vrijdag 23 oktober 2009

Ik denk niet dat het ok maar IETS uitmaakt wat ik hier schrijf, of in welke taal ik dat doe, want Lies is de enige eprsoon die dit hier misschien ooit zou lezen. En de rest van de wereld is over het algemeeen niet echt geïnteresseerd in de persoon Zoë, laat staan in mijn problemen en al die andere shit.
Gisteren heb ik er nog eens mee te maken gehad, van die mensen die alleen afgaan op wat er op mijn hoofd groeit, niet wat er inzit.
Dus heir lanceer ik mijn grote oproep aan de hele wereld (we vergeten even da tLies de enige is die di leest) STOP MET ZO F*CKING OPPERVLAKKIG TE ZIJN EN OORDEEL NIET OVER MENSEN TOT JE ZE DEFTIG KENT!

dinsdag 13 oktober 2009


There are three things in te world I REALLY want by now.
- wordlpeace (hey, I'm not a miss, hasn't even the beautiness of them, and I hope I've more brains then them, but hey, being supervicial ISN'T a crime!)
- money. I REALLY niet it by now. I've lost my best friends iPod, what wouldn't be that worse but it's one of 300 euro, aaight! I also need money to buy
- a guitar ( when I stopped at music academy, I also lost my guitar, so I'll have to buy one by myself by now)
- a mobile (my old died last week, now I use one from 2004)
- photoshop, or an equivalent.

maandag 12 oktober 2009

Little sister on your rollerskates
It’s friday nite an’ you got a date
Right in front of the watergate.
But now he’s gone ’cause you’re too late

It’s too late to be a human in love
It’s too late to be a human in love
We’re the kids in hate

Little sister you’re sure lookin’ great
You hope someday you’ll be playmate
Well why did you wait
The chance is gone an’ now you’re too late

It’s too late to be a human in love
It’s too late to be a human in love
We’re the kids in hate

Little sister don’t you be so straight
Let your old folks call ya jailbait
This mean world it belongs to us
It can be yours so don’t hesitate

It’s too late to be a human in love
It’s too late to be a human in love
We’re the kids in hate

Watch out, there's a thief writing a here.

Well, dear listeners there's something on my mind I really have to confess.
I'm a thief. I've stolen one little Jelly Baby in the kruidvat. The Belgians/dutchmen will wath I mean when I say this. I've been cheated, just for those little jelly baby --' C'mon! There are old eldery people been killed in this shittown, and the police don't give a FUCK about them. but about a thirteen year-old girl wearing a pink sweater and with her hair braided who steals ONE STUPID CANDY in a store where you can buy a garderobe for less than 10 euro, now, then is the situation critical.
This is my message to the complete police team of ninove; stop acting drama queen like, and grow up!

zaterdag 10 oktober 2009

God, Allah, Jaweh and all the other bearded old men.

Sometimes I wished that I believed in something. A God, A Jahwe or an Allah, to thank for all the good things ahppened day by day. For all the disasters who aren't happened. But the problem is; I just can't. There was a time I every day prayed and tried to go to church (I did'nt long before I understood that holding on wouldn't help a shit.) Since then, I'm one of those 9 million Belgians who are baptised and all that other shit, but thats all. The only person you can trust in your life, is YOU. But that's hard to realize, because of all your mistakes are your own mistakes, you can't blame a God or something. Maybe I'll just try to become a rabbitist again, that was an easy religion; just pray three times a day to the holy nijntje.