zaterdag 10 oktober 2009

God, Allah, Jaweh and all the other bearded old men.

Sometimes I wished that I believed in something. A God, A Jahwe or an Allah, to thank for all the good things ahppened day by day. For all the disasters who aren't happened. But the problem is; I just can't. There was a time I every day prayed and tried to go to church (I did'nt long before I understood that holding on wouldn't help a shit.) Since then, I'm one of those 9 million Belgians who are baptised and all that other shit, but thats all. The only person you can trust in your life, is YOU. But that's hard to realize, because of all your mistakes are your own mistakes, you can't blame a God or something. Maybe I'll just try to become a rabbitist again, that was an easy religion; just pray three times a day to the holy nijntje.

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